The very best day...a visit to the Children's Museum

When I asked the kiddos what was the best part of their visit to New York, they came up with almost everything we had done.  The one thing that stood out for them though was the Magic show and the Children's Museum. Ironic as either of these could very well have been attended locally and we could have avoided the ten hour drive.  That being said though they were very happy with the whole holiday, especially being with Aunt Edwina and Uncle Paul.  So enjoy a few more photos of our holiday and especially the things that the kids loved the most.

 The Magic show was great and the kids got to get up close and personal with the animals that were used for their entertainment.  They were very well trained and did not even attempt to leave the table!  They especially loved Ruby the white dove...she just kept coming out of that hat and each time the kids disolved into gales of laughter.  A great event sponsored by the local library.
This is the local hot spot for ice cream.  It is a local producer and you can have almost any flavor imagined.  The kids loved it and it was a welcomed treat at the end of a busy day.  Marissa chose soft chocolate in a cone, whereas Mark always likes the bowl and he wanted vanilla with sprinkles.  What better way to eat ice cream than sitting on your favorite milk cow producer. Momma sat on a bench because there was no way I was going to let my sister catch a photo of me riding on that pig!

 At the Children's Museum Mark was most impressed by this massive fella.  The questions were endless about this thing and no amount of telling him different would help him understand.  He could not fathom that this was a reproduced replica of a Mastadon and not real bones.  When Mark has questions you best be prepared to spend a great deal of time with him because he is like a dog with a bone.  Until he gets it you are commited to the situation for as long as it takes.  Sigh...this need to understand completely is sometimes a bit exhausting, however Mark's ability to keep digging for understanding will serve him well in life.
 The museum had a complete firehall set out for the kids to try their hand at being a fire fighter.  Who would this be I wonder?  Of course it is Marissa!  She is the one with the adventurous nature.  Mark has not seemed to have any interest in this aspect of first responders.  He still wants to be Batman and he does not fight fires.  Mark is very loyal to his interests.

Look Mom it fits.  Just my size, even the boots.  Here is Marissa all ready to fight the fires.  One last stop for a photo and then.... she runs to fight the fires!  She would make a good firefighter some day.  Who knows where she will go.
 Mark decided it would be fun to just put trains together. I think he was still thinking of the one that we had seen while on the Hudson walkway.  He set himself up as the centre command of the train track (literally) from where he could reach and oversee all events on the track.  At least an hour of fun was had here.  I think he was just happy to not have to do so much walking in this event.

 This final shot is of the water reservoir that supplies the city of New York.  Momma was impressed by this as water is something that we do not take for granted.  On the farm our supply of water comes from the well and so far we have not had to worry about supply.  In the past though I have lived where water would run out and then we would have to have it trucked in.  I cannot help but be amazed that this supply is needed to keep the city of New York well served.  It seemed a massive lake whose supply comes down from the snow covered mountains of the Catskills.  Beautiful but it did cross my mind that protecting it would be quite an undertaking.

Thus ends our New York visit.  We had an uneventful ride home and were thankful that we missed the snow storm that arrived the next day! We had a lovely two weeks of "spring break" and came home to our typical unpredicable March weather.  We were happy to see our family and quickly got back into the school routine.  We will return to New York again for sure!


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