Walkway over the Hudson...wow what a sight! Oh what a feeling...what a rush!

I am trying to catch up our last vacation photos because we are soon going to leave on our summer camping trip.  The kids are very excited as there is only a few days of school left this year.  Really how did the time go by so quickly?  Here are photos of the amazing time that we had walking over the Hudson River.  The history in this area is really amazing and I will have to do some catch up reading in the future.  Alas poor Henry Hudson would shudder in horror if I tried to retell any of that history because it is very vague and fuzzy in my memory.  Suffice it to say that the Hudson River was the main artery that the tall ships could navigate to inland ports, part of the tidal coast of the gateway to the settlement of the United States.  This area is old, very, very old in the history of the white man coming to America.  The river was the main source of the transport of supply goods, travel and protection if it was necessary to flee the unhappy natives.  The train bridge that had spanned the river has been converted to a walkway for pedestrians and the view was spectacular.  On bad days the walkway is closed as the winds and lightning storms make it too dangerous to use.  It was a great souce of awe for us and we were able to get two walks in and take the elevator to the top on this visit.  We also followed the coastline and found it a treasure trove of beach glass much to the delight of my sister and I.

 Parent alert...not for those who need to keep an eye on your kids for every second.  This Momma was very nervous wondering if my kiddos would try to get a glimpse over the rail.  Thankfully they kept pretty safe but no one survives a fall from this height and I was wary.
 This train was a meer speck on the horizon and I had to zoom in with my camera to make sure that you could actually see it.  The power of the diesel engine was something to feel as the pulsing was felt way above on the walkway.  Such power from this train.  You really do not get to appreciate this much anymore because the rail lines are fast exiting our landscapes.

 This is the car bridge a bit further over from the walkway.  It is not near as high as the walkway but it is hard to show that in the photo.  We were looking down towards it.
 As you first start to walk across the walkway you are closer to land and it does not seem too high.  It is only as you get further over the water that you really start to realize that you are way above the ground.  It is supported by many tons of cement that have been poured into the riverbed to make the supports to hold the span of the bridge.  It is an engineering accomplishment that always amazes me.

In all it was a great little excursion that the kids and I enjoyed very much.  We will be back Henry for another walk over the Hudson!


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