The Face of Santa...Uncle John!

Recently we enjoyed a visit with my brother the kids much loved Uncle John.  He lives a plane ride away and our visits are few but treasured.  Uncle John is solid in the little's memory as he has taken it upon himself to stay in contact with my children despite his busy, although retired, science genetics research career.  It is a happy day when two cards arrive in the post and I can declare have mail!  Usually it is a card or a postcard for each one from somewhere exotic.  Uncle John is well travelled and much to Mark's delight has regular contact and excursions with other scientists in China on a regular basis.  Uncle John flew home for a visit and attended Mark's christening when he arrived from China and he also came home to visit shortly after Marissa arrived in our family.  He is a pillar of wonder to these children and they reward his efforts with lots of love and attention when he can fit us in for a visit.  So here are the littles bringing him back to the airport after his short visit a few weeks ago.  We saw him through the gate and then had to drive to a spot where we could wait the hour for his plane to take off.  It was early in the morning so we were by ourselves when the plane taxied down the runway.  The kids started jumping up and down on the hood of the car waving like maniacs!  It is hard to say good-by!  Mark has decided these moments are a "happy cry" as inevitably the tears do flow.  Such a treasured memory for this Momma to see my children loving on their Uncle John.  So here we say good-by.

Shortly after we saw him off at the airport the cards started to arrive.  Imagine the delight of the kids when they received this!
Thank-you Uncle John for this wonderful gift!  Your face will forever be the face of Santa in this home.  The kids were delighted to find out that their Uncle John was also Santa!  The pure joy of our own family legend.  Oral history in the making.  So from now on this photo will be put out at Christmas and Uncle John will be remembered as the special person that he is.  He is our very own Santa, a new family legacy in our household.  Others may remember you for your working career and scientific discoveries but here in this house we will remember you as Mommy's brother, Santa John.  Merry Christmas Uncle John...Ho Ho Ho.  You are a very special person to everyone here.  Blessings to you and yours!


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