Christmas catch-up...trying to keep up to this busy household.

Well I have been remiss in keeping up the blog lately.  Truth of the matter is that we have been busy, but not more than usual.  Perhaps a bit of winter lazy with a few colds, fevers and mild winter blues thrown in.  Not that this winter has been bad at all.  We have already had two calves born this year in December and February and I, as yet, have not even taken any photos of them!  One has had to be bottle fed so that has necessitated an early rise at 5:15 to go feed the calf and a trip to the paddock on arrival home from work to repeat the process.  At least the little critter has learned to come to the gate to get his milk.  Tip toeing past the bull Mike was getting a bit nerve wracking in the dark wee hours of the morning. These added tasks have made the day seem that much longer and now that winter has finally set in the chores seem that much more wearisome.  So with no more whining here is a quick catch up of our Christmas and early months of winter.

This year for Christmas we are living the Batman, Batgirl, Superman, Spiderman and all other super heroes not yet thought of or mentioned!  Seems that Buzz Lightyear is fading to the blackness of the deep outer galaxy and we are more concerned with what is happening here on earth in Gotham City.  I have been inundated with a million questions about everything Batman and I find that I am not qualified to answer any of them.  You see there has never been a time in my life where I have had any interest or knowledge of such things and frankly cannot be of any use to my son in this regard.  I have to keep telling Mark that I have no idea and that he has to remember that it is only a story.  He is so caught up in this that it consumes every waking moment.  Alas these things too shall pass and throughout it all one thing remains constant...Gi Gi is still his number one gal!  I must admit that this year was the first time that I have actually seen the sheer joy of Christmas morning through the eyes of a child.  Mark and Marissa could be heard whisper calling to each other across the hallway asking if Santa had come.  Marissa said that she had heard bells (a little thing that Momma did at 2:00 a.m.) and as they creped out of bed and looked down the stairs from the stair landing it was sheer joy to hear them explode with excitement and glee!  "Santa came! Santa came, Markie Santa came!".  So here are a few of the gifts that they enjoyed:

The highlight of the day was watching the littles play with their new toys.  Although I would hardly call a Bausch and Lomb Discoverer telescope a toy!  Mark has a new moon for his room and Marissa has a new la la loopsy doll to add to her collection.  In all a wonderful fun filled day for this family with lots of joy and giggles for everyone.
 Seeing a great deal of this around the house lately!  Mark has finally figured out what a "symbol" is!
 Mark and Momma can do a whole lot of spying with this new telescope.  We will take this camping to see if we can get a good look at the moon.
Marissa was pretty happy with her cat woman and bat girl.  Seems they are larger than Mark's Batman which made her even more happy!
 Oh yes and before I forget...the two bull calves are named "Batman" and "Superman"...what else were you thinking...dah...of course they are!


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