Back to the Books...learning my letters and numbers per Mark!

Mark was the first one to go back to school this year.  The Kindergarten class has a staggered entry and so Marissa was there with Momma to see Mark back on his first day.  Mark actually wanted to go back and says he has to learn his letters and numbers so he can be a Space Ranger when he grows up.  He keeps asking Momma "When will I be a man!"  I keep telling him that since he is six now that he will be a man in twenty years.  Why are kids always in such a hurry to grow up?  They cannot possibly know what we adults know, which is that the problems of life just keep getting bigger with age.  Just when you think things are running along just always need to expect trouble on the horizon!  How can you teach them this?  They will not learn it in school.  I make a point of being honest with my children so sometimes the conversations are hard.  I can only tell them what I know and what I have experienced in life and hope that it will guide their footsteps.  Hopefully there will be many years yet for Mark to be guided along his journey.  So here are the photos of Mark's first day of Grade 1.  Can you believe we are here already!

 Mark wanted to wear his birthday "Surfer" shirt and khakis shorts...he sure is my handsome man!
 This year he wanted an Olaf lunch pail and backpack which made Momma happy that she did not have to search for hours for Buzz Lightyear.
 He was pretty excited to get going as soon as Momma took some mandatory photos of him with his sister.  Marissa was a bit miffed that she had two more days of Daycare before she could start!
 My handsome children.  Everyone still asks me if I have twins!  I say "No...just two peas in a pod!"

 Mark is trying to be the photographer making sure Marissa holds her head straight.  She always wants to tilt it to the side....funny because Mark does the same thing.
 When we arrived we were able to get a close-up look at the construction going on.  Wow what a big addition and it will be nice to know that this rural school has been spared for the duration of their elementary years.
 I see a big gym for lots of future school sports and assembly events.  We are going to have some good times and make memories here at this school!  Treasure each moment for time does not stand still. 
Take note...a future Space Ranger in the making.  Today they announced there is water on Mars.  Perhaps son you will go there but be prepared to take your Mother along.  I hear it is a one way trip and you will not be leaving without the rest of us...we are family!


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