Fall harvest but the Queen is asking for snow!

Fall is one of the most wonderful times of the year on the farm.  We are always happy to have the hay safely rolled up to feed the herd of cows and horses for the winter.  It is nice to know that our efforts of the summer have paid off and we will go into winter assured that there are sufficient quantities of meat and veggies in the freezer, canned preserves on the shelves and the calves are fattened for market.  I will admit that I do not do as much as I used to but I also do not supply a large extended family any more either.  We are looking forward to Thanksgiving, a time when we can enjoy the nice weather and the fresh produce that is available.  So here are a few photos of our children "bringing in the harvest".  I hope that they will remember these days and appreciate that they had a hand in making sure that we go into winter well supplied.

 This photo reminds me of an Anne Geddes baby photo.  Not quite a baby and more of a farm version theme.  No naked babe with an acorn on her head like a wood fairy but more of a farm babe with a rolled up round bale of hay to rest on.  Real life with a bit of pull-up poking out of her pants.  Still a bit of a baby to me.
 The kids love the hay bales for playing on.  A cheap theme park kind of playground!
 If you add Daddy than it becomes some real fun of just wrestling in the hay and enjoying the day.
Farm style hair pretties.  You cannot buy this stuff...it's the real deal.  Farm boys love this look in a little lass. Wholesomeness comes to mind here.
Daddy asked Mark and Marissa to help him pick the apples on our new apple tree.  The old one has more dead branches than live ones and will have to come down.  Sad but the apples were not much good and we always fed them to the cows and horses anyway.  These ones went straight to the fridge and they are awesome good.  Crispy and solid in flesh.  I do not have the tag anymore so I am not sure what kind they actually are.

 Even the plumb tree gave us our first few plums.  Not too many but enough to make us want more for next year.  Yum, yum, yum.  Marissa is in heaven.  She wants to grow strawberries next year.  Perhaps I will take her to go pick some at the market garden first so she can see how much work there is in that.
In all a great fall and Marissa has agreed that the snow will have to wait for a while yet.  We are having way too much fun in the fall.  Soon the fair but the next post will be on starting school!


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