Our house guest has left...bye bye little toad.

A few days ago we decided that it was time to let our little toad go.  The long old winter had let go its grip and so we felt it was safe to let our guest go find its family.  I took the opportunity to let Marissa get up close and personal with our little friend.  Mark?  Well he is no fan of wild things.  He watched from a safe distance.
 Marissa only needed me to hand the toad to her and support her hands to keep it from jumping off her hand.
 Pretty brave little girl.  I am impressed.
 The toad did not seem to mind at all.
 Well she did actually hop away, which in turn sent Mark scurrying off the rock he was sitting on.
Marissa wanted a close up picture of her friend the toad so I happily did so.
Good bye toad...see you later toad.  Have fun finding your family.


Anonymous said...

Love it! :) Have a good life, Mr/Mrs. Toad!

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