Sometimes you just get lucky! Twice in a row!

Today I got the call at lunch that Mark was not feeling too well.  Seems that his tummy was hurting and he wanted to come home.  I am certain that it is not likely anything more than needing some private time in the privy as we have been putting in a busy schedule that did not allow for much time for getting that job done.  This added to the fact that we are having to cope with the septic problems that limit how often we can flush during the day.  The system is working however slowly.  Seems that is likely Mark's problem as well.  So when I pulled into the driveway after picking him up from was his "pick me up" waiting at the fence.  Seems that the balloon had decided to come down just when it was needed most.  I looked up and there is still one up in the tree so perhaps that one will find its way down as well for Marissa.  Some days it rains hearts on ya.  Enjoy your balloon Mark.

Lets hope that the other one comes down soon.
Oh yes it did!  Less than twenty-four hours later I found the other balloon against the fence on the other side of our yard.  This time of year the wind is so day west to east and the next day east to west.  Here I was looking along the same fence hoping that I would spot the second balloon and there it was right behind me on the other side.  I just had to step outside to see which way the wind was blowing.  Hope the wind blows something special to you today.  I have two very happy kids this morning!


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