Back to school...Sr Kindergarten here we come!


As you can see here Mark is especially happy to be going back to school with his new back pack and lunch pail from his sister Kimmy.  He says he misses his friends!  Marissa is so wanting to go with him but for now she is stuck at home with Momma.  She will be easy to get into the routine of school as she is very social and very anxious to get out into the world beyond her home!  She is one smart cookie and I think Momma and Poppa will have a full time job trying to keep up to her.  Such an independent child yet very loving and affectionate.  I think she will excel at anything she puts her mind to.  Such a joy to parent these two kiddos! May you learn many things in your life and always with the sense of enthusiasm and adventure that you have today. 


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