Boys and their sticks!

Sure as God made little green apples, boys love tractor rides and sticks!  Where ever Mark wanders off too it usually finds him picking up a stick along the way and carrying it around all day.  He wants to find a stick, carry the stick, drag the stick when going for a wagon ride and carry the stick when on the tractor with Daddy.  Just try to take the stick away.  Boys will not be parted from their sticks!  At least he does bide by the rule "No sticks in the house".  Fortunately with all of the trees on this yard we are not too far from a stick at any given moment.  Now get out the wheelbarrow for spring clean up and tell him to help Mommy pick up the sticks and put them in the wheelbarrow...yea well that is another story.  All I get is a "no tank chew Mommy".  Sigh


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