JUST LIKE DADDY!...why God gave us a son!

This morning Mark has music lessons and it is Daddy's job as the musician in the family to take him.  Doug was up and dressed in jeans and a red tee shirt and Mommy was dressing Mark in his new (slightly too big) size three tee shirt.  Mark commented right away that his new shirt was "just like Daddy" and I agreed that Daddy does have a blue tee shirt (one I love to see him in because it brings out the blue in his eyes).  Daddy must have heard us on the baby monitor because he disappeared and returned with his blue shirt on.  The reaction in Mark's face was priceless!  "JUST LIKE DADDY!"  The joy and responsibility of setting examples for your children hit me.  A little thing as what colour you wear can bring such joy to a child...and tears to this Momma's eyes!  There are two very handsome men in this family.  Love you boys enough for this ol heart to burst!


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