Two Handsome men...Like Father...Like Son!

My, my, my....he's so fine.  Words to a song that I cannot quite remember.  My two handsome men.  Mark is proud to look like Daddy and I am so proud of my handsome men!  What a long old day with the excitement of the glasses and Daddy in the bush all day boiling maple sap into syrup.  Right now my boys are in bed...both sound asleep.  Momma is on her way out into the cold to check on the cows to see if the new calves are going to make their appearance on a cold blustery winter night.  It will not be long as they are all showing signs of being more than ready to deliver.  Soon I will post our new addition photos.  Lets hope it warms up for them.  In the mean time sleep tight my darlings....and to quote your Daddy...."Do you know how fine you are to me"!  Love to you both. XOXO


Heather Attwood said...

What handsome fellows. Mark looks very scholarly.

Anonymous said...

Mark you are one handsome dude!! Can't wait to see you next weekend when we go swimming!!! Yay!!!! Look out Tyler, here we come!!!!

Love Kim

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