Mark got his official certificate in the mail today, making him a Canadian Citizen.  Mommy and Mark celebrated by making play dough teddy bears before supper.  Mommy made her bears in pink, blue, yellow and purple.  Mark took all the play dough and mashed it together making rainbow teddy bears!  It made me reflect on that a bit and I think that he is on to something here.  He was completely happy with the mixing of the dough colours, whereas Mommy always keeps the colours separate.  My son you will likely be a better Canadian than Mommy if you continue to think outside of the box.  This is such a wonderful country to grow up in.  We have such diversity and tolerance of individual thoughts,beliefs and lifestyles.  We are a much richer nation for this.  You know son...Mommy quite likes your rainbow teddy bears.  Happy Canadian Day son.  I pray that your life will be blessed here and that you grow to love this country which has embraced you.


Anonymous said...

We love you too mark!!!!

Love your sister Kim Greg elyssa and Alex

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