Heritage Farm Show

Mark and Mommy spent Saturday at the Heritage Farm Day at the Backus Page House in Wallacetown, while Daddy got things done at home before he goes on his fishing trip.  This century farm is being restored to resemble what it would have been like in the early to mid 1800's and tries to help people appreciate what life was like in those days.  We had lots of fun looking at all of the old tractors (not exactly to period time but well worth the exibit).  We watched horses plow the field on riding plows and got to listen to some old time country music.  We toured the house and had home made shortbread cookies made on a wood stove.  Mark would have made his Auntie Sue and Uncle Doug proud as he quicky picked out the Cockshutt tractor out of the line up.  He had to settle for something more his size in the end though!  He really enjoyed the old pump that seemed to never stop pumping the water out of the tap....note to self.....must ask Daddy to rig this up so that Mark has a never ending supply of water to play with.  Seems the pump just kept pulling the water up out of the wash tub and then brought it back to the facet to keep coming out like the tap was perpetually running.  Very simple piston pump technology but very effective in keeping our little guy completely happy.  Add a few tub toys and whola...hours of water fun.  Mark also got to play in a wheat filled "sand box" and then learned how to operate a old fashioned hand pump to get water up.  This was not as much fun because he was unable to get the pump going and then run around to the front to try to catch the water in the plastic bottle.  I guess that is why most of us would hang the pail on the pump and then pump away.  We had lots of fun with the candy sucker hunt in the straw and then ended the day having a carriage ride like the royal family.  The carriage ride reminded me of our wedding and when I told the groom riding on the back that I felt like the Queen, she told me that the Queen had actually rode in the carriage when in Hamilton years ago!  Wow that made me sit a little more upright!  Mark loved it and stood on the seat looking from the driver up front and then to chatting to the groom riding on the back.  What a great way to end the day!  Mark did not want to go home but fell asleep in the car on the way back.  What a picture perfect day....one that is locked in Momma's memory and captured here for Mark to enjoy later.  Too bad Daddy missed it, but there will be more times in the future for him to come with us.  We love you son.


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