Veggie to make the most out of a quick low budget meal plan aka fooling the kids into veggies!

So how do your quick suppers get put together after a day at work?  Here is my new invention.  It started with my pondering what to do with all the left over spaghetti and ravioli sauce that the kids do not seem to eat once they polish off the can of the stuff.  You know the the red goo that is in the bottom of the can that no sane adult would eat.  Momma is pretty cheap and with this family's new austerity measures ie retirement looms on the horizon...I decided to make good use of the stuff that is left in the can once the kids eat the solids.  So here was tonight's dinner that had the kids raving and wanting me to make more.

This is all that is left over from the "home made soup" that I threw together.  Seems that all you need is the red goo (I am sure there is a component of sugar in this), fresh veggies, in this case some celery, bok choy, fresh green beans, cut up tomato, a few carrots, yellow pepper, chopped garlic clove, a bit of chicken broth, frozen peas, frozen corn and wheel noodles.  I think the noodles were the clincher in making the kids think that this was something new/special.  I must admit it was pretty darn good.  Campbell's has nothing over this old gal when it comes to making soup.  The kids were not worried about no meat and quite frankly with what is being said about meat these days, I am not worried that this meal was a veggies only dish.  Served up with some cream crackers (my favorite) it was a splash hit.  Now I am going to save up all that useless red goo for more home made veggie soup.  Poor Pinkie she was always the happy recipient of the stuff.  So here are my kids getting an overdose of veggies and I am one happy Momma tonight!
 Mark seemed to not be able to get enough.  He was done very quickly and asking for more
Marissa was more into dipping her crackers in the soup and needed some encouragement to get going.
 Alas poor Mark will have most of his supper photos with the eye patch on.  How much longer for this?  We see the eye specialist in March so it is going to be at least that long.
 Marissa has learned to anticipate the flash and has a habit of blinking...any suggestions on how to fool her into not blinking every time the camera snaps?
 Round two for Mark.  He really loves the stuff so I will have to remember to do it again soon.

This is what happens when you remind Marissa not to blink!  She had her school photos taken today so I am sure that she is fed up with the paparazzi.  Hmmm, I wonder what I will dream up next for supper.


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