Twas the night before Halloween and all is quiet in the house!

Is everyone is getting excited for the spooky night?  My kids are not much into the scary theme.  They like to dress up and go to the Community center for the treats but they have no idea that other children go door to door soliciting candy.  Does this Momma feel guilty?  Actually not one little bit.  Living in the country we do not know our neighbour families that well and I have no intentions of taking my kids to the doors of strangers.  We attend the local community organization parties and then spend the evening at home carving our pumpkins that are set on the step for the cars that drive by to see.  Usually we watch a children's movie with the Halloween theme.  We do not get any trick or treaters at our door so the kids do not know any different.  So here are my kiddos with their costumes on for the Community Center party and what they wore for the "black and orange" day for school today.  This Momma just finished roasting the pumpkin seeds which I have sampled and find very tasty and just now have sat down to some delicious cream of pumpkin soup!  Nothing wasted and a treat that I have not bothered to make for quite a while.  Mark made his observation when I put him down to bed by saying "Mommy what smells so bad?"  I explained that I was making pumpkin soup which made him reply "NO THANK-YOU MOMMY...I do not want any of that!"  Seems that watching Marissa pull the guts out of the pumpkin with her bare hands has put him off.  Oh well more for me.  Maybe next year he will try it.

 Mark wanted to be Buzz Lightyear this year.  He still wants to be a space ranger.
 Marissa...all princess but this year not pink.  Purple with a dolphin face.
 Love the kitty glitter tatoo but what is with the purple skull ring?  Where did she pick that up?
 Mark has also just watched his first Minion movie so he was happy to pick that for his face painting which leads us to this shirt that I picked for his black and orange day at school.  Ironically he had no idea that I had bought this shirt but it made a good match for his school day today.
 Maarissa loved her black fuzzy spider shirt. She tells me that everyone wanted to rub her spider because it was so soft.  Hmmm maybe I will stop buying fuzzy soft shirts as she gets older!
In all they had a great time and tomorrow I will see what is up at their Aunt Edy and Uncle Bert's place.  Maybe we will drop in and spread a bit of cuteness.  Maybe, just maybe she will have some treats for them.


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