Happy Birthday Queen Marissa is Four!

I am running a bit behind on the posts lately and I am sorry that living life with my two littles has left me a bit short on time.  Well actually that is not true.  I am not sorry at all!  You see when it comes down to spending time with my children settling for bed and blog posting...the kids win every time. Marissa has turned four on September 30th and we celebrated here at home with our own family.  She was happy to get her gift of a princess book with all the miniature Disney princess characters, complete with a little castle to put them in.  She also got her very own Beta fish that is a lovely orange and pink colour that she calls "Goldie".  So here are a few of her birthday photos that we took to be able to capture the essence of being four!

 Daddy picked out Marissa's cake and she was really happy with the blue letters and yellow roses.
We had to relight the candles because as soon as I put the cake in front of her she blew them out!  She could not wait for the photos to be taken first.
 So we had to start again.  Momma had to capture the cake with the lit candles for the proper effect.
 Mark was happy to jump in and give her a hand getting them blown out for the second time.
 She is loving her princess book and plays with the characters in her castle.  Her and Mark have had some squabbles because he wants to play with them as well.
 A pretty exciting day because Momma let her put on some nail polish that Auntie Edwina gave her for her birthday.
 As you can see she is one happy little girl and more than ready to be four years old.  Marissa you have blessed our lives so much and we cannot imagine our family without your sunny smile and spirited disposition.  You are amazing little Miss!  Even at four you are already making your mark in the world.


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