Let them eat cake!

Well what do you do when the kids are home and they are getting into each other's hair.  The best thing to do is start an activity that demands cooperation and nice behavior.  Here is my first baking session with the kids.  We had a great time and ended the afternoon with cake!  Can it get any better?  Hurray for cake days!

 This happy pair got to pick the mix and the icing for the cake.
Marissa of course had to smell the mix first.
Anticipation beats anything else.
 Working together gets the job done.
 A selfie of the cake crew.
 Lots and lots of sprinkles of every kind...you can never have too many.
Ta Dah...the perfect cake.  Now all we have to do is eat it! Yum, yum. Thanks Mom.  Thank-you kids for all the help.  A great afternoon and lots of fun.


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