Did I mention how much I hate winter...now frozen septic lines to add to the list of reasons why I hate winter!

Are you fed up with winter yet?  As you know from previous posts, I have been screaming Uncle for some time now.  So this past weekend added insult to injury.  Even Daddy is fed up with the hard slugging of daily chores and fighting with getting water to the livestock, breaking apart the large hay bales and the grief of the loss of our first calf Chrissy, for no known reason other than, likely just crushed by the herd pushing into the run in shelter, trying to get in from the cold.  Winter just makes everyday chores a total misery and when you have had enough of it, life throws one more at you.  It seemed on the weekend that the toilet in the sunroom was a bit slow and now it is not working at all.  So far we can still use the upstairs one but we are worried that the prolonged winter cold of minus 20 degrees or less with wind chill factors in the minus thirty degree range, has frozen the septic line.  For Daddy this is yet one more thing to add to his list of chores and problems and yesterday I could see that he had had enough.  I remind myself that these things to will pass but it is not fun when you have had enough and yet one more thing is added to the list of grievances.  Dear Lord give us a break.  Daddy says what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger but Momma does not like to hear the weary sigh or see the worried look on his face.  All you can do is try your hardest to find the humor in it all and so here is the reaction of our precious children to the "emergency" situation.  Mark wanted to call "911" because this is an emergency but I convinced him that Daddy could fix it.  Lets hope that happens soon.

Lets hope that spring is around the corner.  This morning the sun was up as I was getting Mark in the car for school.  The days are getting longer.  Maybe, just maybe it will bring some warmth with it.  We have had enough of winter!
Oh yeah....P. S.  Please God can you help Daddy fix the toilet.


Anonymous said...

Oh that is truly miserable! Sure hope that things improve soon and Doug is able to work his magic and fix things! After all....Can he fix it? Yes he CAN! :)

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