Another day of worries.

Although today is all about our Queen and her one year anniversary, I would be remiss if I did not post about how Mark and Mommy spent yesterday.  Seems our little man has had some tummy troubles and on Wednesday Mommy got the call to come and pick him up from school.  He had no specific complaints and as I posted before, I thought that maybe he was having a bit of blockage grief.  By Friday morning I was more concerned.  He had tossed and turned most of the night on Wednesday to Thursday, slept most of the day away on Thursday and then slept fretfully on Thursday to Friday.  So by Friday morning Momma was more concerned and ready for a visit to the Emergency department.  He had no fever, no bowel problems and no nausea or vomiting.  I started to be more concerned about appendicitis.  So here are a few photos of our day.  We were there from eight to three.  Marissa got to spend the day at the daycare which to her was a huge bonus to the whole situation of Mark getting more attention than her.  All seems well although he likely has a mesenteric adenitis.  He only had to endure one finger pick for blood, a urine test and an abdominal ultrasound to come to this conclusion.  Simply swollen lymph glands in and around his umbilicus that is perhaps related to his bout with the flu in January.  Either way he finds it difficult to walk upright and is clutching at his midriff saying "Mommy my belly hurts".  Who ever heard of any such thing?  In all of my forty years of nursing I have never even heard of it!  Today he is much better and only mentioned it at suppertime when faced with a meal he was not anxious to eat.  I think he is on the mend.  One nice thing is that Momma got to spend the whole day alone with Mark and I think we both enjoyed it despite the circumstances.  Dear Mark you are my only son, you made me a Mother, you made me a Mom.  I love you son and I am glad that you are on the mend.

 Even when Mark is not at his best, he is always polite and well behaved.  He even sought out the Doctor to shake his hand and thank him when it was time to go home.
 GiGi had to come along and she was allowed to wear Mark's arm band as his little wrist was way to small to keep it on.

 Mark was putting on a brave face, but as the day wore on he was getting bored and actually feeling much better.  He just wanted to go home.  The great thing about the hospital is there is nothing to do but wait.  As a parent you are left to sing songs, make up stories and invent games to cheer up your child.  That is all good.  One on one special time.
 Mark was pretty happy to get the news that he could go home.  All he wanted was to stop for French fries on the way home.  Yes son I think we can do that.
 Once we were home the fries were left in the box and Mark fell into a deep sleep on his chair.  Poor little guy.  Hospitals are a pretty stressful place for children.  Glad to see you on the mend Mark.


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