A One Year Anniversary...can you believe it!

Today is the one year anniversary since Marissa joined our family.  Can you believe it!  She has changed so much in that year.  She arrived a diapered toddler and now is a panty wearing little Miss.  Watching her over the past year has been amazing.  She is fiercely independent, extremely intelligent, more than playful and her brother's best friend.  To hear her giggle is enough to make even the most jaded soul pause to smile.  She is infectious in her affection and loves both of her families.  We are so blessed to have her in our lives.  How could I ever have known that I would be chosen to be this child's Momma.  I am humbled and so blessed.  So here is a collection of some of the past year's photos.  Enjoy!

This is Marissa's last night with her foster family. She was much loved by them and letting her go was especially hard.  They were comforted by knowing that she was coming to our family and would be loved beyond measure.  They celebrated her last evening by playing with her, singing her favorite songs and tucking her into bed as a family.  Once the children left for school the next day, they knew she would be gone when they returned.  A school day with very heavy hearts.  God love this family who give so much and ask for nothing in return.  You will always be near and dear to us.  Marissa will remember all of you by name as we reinforce forever the fact that she had other parents, brothers and a sister who also loved her and wanted only the best for her.

This is the first photo that came to me on my computer at work.  My tears welled up and overflowed down my cheeks.  Thankfully my social worker had told me to be prepared for a reaction!  I always knew that I would have a daughter!  I forwarded the photo on to Daddy so that he could also see her precious face...how amazing that she looked so much like Mark with those beautiful eyes and rosy cheeks.
During our interview as prospective parents for Marissa we had a chance to meet Marissa's foster Mom who had taken this beautiful video on her phone to show us.  Amazing, as prior to her arriving, I had just told the social worker that my most proud Momma moment was when Mark sang "Jesus loves me" in front of the church.  Coincidence?  Not to me.  A sure sign that this little madam was meant to be with our family.  Yes Marissa Jesus does love you and so do we!
The first day we actually met Marissa she flew out the door and ran straight to our car, bypassing Daddy and headed to my passenger side of the car.  It was all I could do to jump out of the car and catch her up in my arms.  Total acceptance right from the first moment.  Such wonderful preparation from her other Momma.  She knew that there were special people coming to see her.  Mommy Audrey and Daddy Doug were very real to her by the time we arrived.  No camera ready and only photos in our minds of the precious first contact. 
This is the first visit with her new brother.  Peas in a pod!
Our little snow Queen.  First visits with us at the farm.
Getting a first bath at her new home.
The day we picked her up and brought her home with us forever.  A very quiet quick visit.  We gathered her things and as we drove away we knew that our tears of joy were equally matched by the tears of sadness that we had left behind.  How do you let this precious little one leave without a broken heart?  My strength comes from the Lord!
Waking up with a new Daddy.  Lots of love and bacon to spare.
Our first week together.  I sent this photo to Marissa's birth Mother to let her know that she was happy and well loved with us. 
A new routine is always exhausting.
The little sister sure loves her ice cream.
Waiting for Daddy to come home.
Ponies are such fun.
The treat of going to town is always the Burger King.
And of course the Burger King has a Burger Queen!
Momma has a passion for the fair and we had to introduce her to cotton candy as soon as possible.  Not a year goes by that we do not make at least one trip to the Western fair to indulge in our secret vice.
Get out of our way.  We are headed for the rhubarb!  I can see the bike trails all across our fields in the future.  Hang on Marissa, for now Mark is the driver, however I do not think you will be holding on to the "holy crap bar" for very long.
And always the ability to hold court like a pro.  The Queen is beautiful beyond measure.  Momma always asks her...Do you have a beautiful heart too?  She assures me that she does.  I have no doubts dear daughter.  You are beautiful beyond expectations, inside and out.
Sweet as cotton candy, pretty as a picture and wild as a feral filly...our precious Marissa.  Hang on she is taking us for a ride.  Oh the places we will go!  "Hold on to your hats...I don't have a hat!  Hold on to your hair!...I have hair!  Hold on!  Here we go!" This is our favorite line when going down steep hills and we say it every time :)  We are going for a wild ride!


Anonymous said...

What an exciting year it's been! Congrats to all of you, wishing you His blessing for the future.
Love, the vanB's

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