Another Christmas traditon...NOT!

Here is what happens when you leave the Christmas dessert out on the counter.  A certain little girl, who will remain nameless, took it upon herself to have some apple pie.  Now Momma is not such a great baker, however I took it upon myself to whip up an apple pie from scratch on Christmas day to make Daddy happy.  My Momma would have been proud.  It is quite delicious, enough so that the little Madam decided to have some for breakfast.  When asked if she wanted the whole piece she said "No thanks, I want toast with butter".  Figures.  Guess Daddy will be having some apple pie without the top crust.  Eating the top pie crust is not a tradition that Momma supports.  So Missy no more pie tops for you...I put the pie up high in the cupboard so she cannot reach it.


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