And then just like happened!

Monday November the fourth was just like any other day.  Up at 6:00.  Mark to school by 7:20.  Marissa and I had a quick breakfast.  Some Dora for her and dishes for Mommy.  By 12:30 Marissa was wanting her nap and Mommy decided to go and get the mail.  You know those days when your mind is totally blank, sorta somewhere else.  Not aware of what your hand is holding.  The white envelope looked like just another bill.  I suspected the taxes were due again.  I tore open the envelope without regard to being careful at all, just wanting to get to the letter to assess the damage. How much money would it be this time?  I was just staring blankly, uncomprehending of what the letter was saying...AND THEN IT HIT ME!!!  I was holding the most precious piece of paper I had ever gotten in the mail ever!  (All of Mark's adoption documentation were handed over to us at the Civil Affairs Office in China so this seemed odd.)  I could not even imagine why I did not have to go to the Post Office to sign for it.  I just assumed that something this important would be registered mail.  So here it is...our court order making Marissa Lynn Schell our daughter on October 31, 2014.  Our little pumpkin is delivered at 34lbs and 96 cm!  Thank-you Honourable Justice O'Dea for your autograph.  You were the last remaining barrier to our peace of mind.  Our daughter is now our daughter according to the laws of Ontario and this fine nation of Canada.  We now will be issued a new birth certificate for Marissa and can apply for a SIN number and passport.  Amen.  This Momma is at peace.  We have our daughter and a most wonderful son!  We are so blessed!  How could I have ever imagined my life turning out this way?



Anonymous said...

Beautiful to know that all the T's are crossed and all of the many i's have been dotted! We are thrilled for you!

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