Toilet training round's time to poo!


For those of you who have already been through this, for those who are currently engaged in this, for those who anticipate this and for those of you who have decided that you are never ever going to go through this EVER!...All I can say is you have no idea how difficult it is to get a two, nearly three year old, to shed the diapers.  Nothing compares to the agony of having to tie yourself to a child almost literally for the entire day to get them to buy into toilet training.  Session one is the discussion of "It's are getting to be a big girl.  Just sit here and see if something will happen".  This is met with a guarded look but compliance in the belief that this will just be a passing fancy of Momma that will go away.  Entertaining themselves leads to somersaults off the potty that would make a professional gymnast green with envy.  Session two is met with screams of rage and temper tantrums that defy description, essentially communicating:  "No, I do not want to sit on the potty!!!"  Photos of this session were not taken due to the amount of energy required to keep it all together and for Momma not to have a screaming fit of rage back.  Smile and encourage, smile and encourage, smile and encourage...the mantra of the Mother.  The plan...only a few minutes of potty time at transition times ie upon waking, after breakfast, before snacks, after snacks, prior to lunch, after lunch, mid afternoon, before supper, after supper and just before bed time.  One would think that we were extracting teeth.  The rule..."you cannot flush if you do not do anything"...again met with fits of rage and temper.  Today thank the Gods...acceptance and buy in!!!  "See Mommy...I peed in the pot".  "Really...let me see!  Oh my goodness...what a good girl!  Again there are no photos of the little cretin as she has to be sans pants to engage in this exercise!  Oh the pain of progress.  Candy helps!  Helps a lot!  Today all pee has hit the pot!  So far no poo progress but Mark and I are cheering from the sidelines..."Push the poop, push the poop...good girl...push the poop!  Sheesh who would have thought that I would be going through this again!  No matter how many puppies I have trained it is not the same.  It's all good though.  We are slowly making progress.  If only I could catch that first elusive poo!  Strength to my comrades engaged in this battle...we do win in the end but oh the pain of war!


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