The best part of summer...watching my sisters loving on my kids!

The best part of summer is the week I spent with the kiddos at the provincial park.  Their Aunt, my younger sister from New York was able to join us both last summer and again this past holiday in July.  I have come to realize how important it is to stay connected to those extended family members who are close to you.  "Aunt Edwina and Uncle Paul who misses her, Uncle Bert, Aunt Edy, cousin Ben and Lisa, cousin John and Tara, cousin Jay and Adam, my little buddy Braden, Ava, baby Skyler whose Mommy and Daddy is Sophia and Drew, Connor, Jeremy, Will, Connie"....  so many people for these little minds to sort out and keep track of through constant reinforcement of who is who.  People who now are very real and in the minds of these two children.  We have joined my older sister Edy and her family with their family tradition of camping and it has provided the opportunity for the kids to see how many people are connected through love.  Watching my siblings love on my children has been a wonderful thing.  Was I as attentive to their children years ago?  Does the mention of "Aunt Audrey" have any real meaning to my nieces and nephews?  Does my name conjure up visions of happy memories, good food and family gatherings from years gone by?  I hope and pray that it does.  Time marches on and bringing these two into the family later in life has put them on the tail end of the nieces and nephews category.  In fact they will be playmates to my nieces and nephews children!  Such as it is, it is still more than ok.  They are loved and feel loved and that is what matters.  Now that our holiday of long walks, long talks, days at the beach and visits to the playground are over there are the questions..."Do you miss your cried saying good-by?  I miss my Aunt Edwina.  It makes me sad."  "Yes son, I miss my sister too.  Yes it is ok to cry when you say good-by.  Yes I feel sad too".  Real people making a real difference to these kiddos.  God love you and keep you safe.  Thank-you from the bottom of my heart for making the time to love our children!  Till next year...but I make no assumptions...time marches on.  Love in the moment!


Aunt Edwina said...

Yes, Mark, sisters cry when they say good-bye. But never forget the joy of hugging hello. I had such a good time with you, Marissa and your mom. Even had some fun with your dad. I am so glad you got to sleep in the tent together, Didn't we have so much fun building that giant sandcastle with Ava, Jeremy, Will and goodness who else was there? I was so busy trying to channel the waves away from the walls, I think I lost track of who was helping! Remember when the waves were rough and Ava tipped out of the raft while your mommy and I were holding it? Marissa held on and I grabbed Ava, but not before she took a swim! Oh how we laughed that day. Some day you will feel more comfortable in the water and we will have happy memories of playing in the waves. Didn't we have fun walking on the beach and finding treasures? My pocket was so full, my pants were falling down! And all those seagulls! It was fun to watch you and Marissa walk through them as they all took off in flight! We had so much fun. I can't wait until next year! Love you sooo much,

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