Happy Anniversary...nine years in, fourteen years together and look at us now!

June 4, 2005 saw Doug Schell married to Audrey Lord.  That fall we started the process to adopt from China.  On August 8, 2011 Mark joined our family and on Feb 28, 2014 we signed the adoption placement papers for Marissa.  We are so blessed!  Everyday I still wonder how the sun, the moon and the stars all aligned to make this happen.  Of course I know that it is all part of a greater plan, however I am still in awe that I have been so richly blessed.  I have a husband who still professes to love me dearly, even after fourteen years of getting to know me.  I have a son who tells me daily "Mommy, I love you.  You are my best friend." Our daughter is delightful and gives hugs, giggles and kisses with abandon, all the while saying "I love you".  How could any woman want for more?  We are one happy family.  Combine this with our adult children and grandchildren it is beyond any of our expectations.  A special "thank-you" is sent out to all of our family and friends who have believed in our dreams and supported us throughout the years.  Who would have known nine years ago in the little Chalmers Church on the Cowal road in Iona Station that we would have come so far.  "Always be full of joy in the Lord...Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs and don't forget to thank Him for His answers. If you do this you will experience God's peace which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand!"  This was our wedding text Philippians 4, 4-7.  All is good in our world and we are at peace with our lives.  Happy Anniversary!


Doug and Audrey said...

I usually don't comment on this blog as Audrey speaks far better than me. But I must say I have loved this woman all these years even though I don't know what she is saying half the time. Each day I watch my children grow and I mean all my children as in my eye Kim and Tyler are still growing as I know they have so much more to experience yet in life I know I am truly blessed as I have been entrusted by God to look after his children as my own.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the both of you! All of your children are blessed to have you!
The vanB's

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