Trains...Planes and Automobiles....that is what little boys are made of!

Momma just had to share some of the birthday fun with you.  Here is Mark enjoying his new airplane and showing off to our old cat Smokey.  Seems she was just as interested in the plane as Mark was.  The third photo shows how Mark was afraid that he was going to hit the cat as the plane buzzed right by her head.  Smokey is old and wise enough to sit still and just let it pass by.  She is getting too old to take up the chase.  Here is hoping that Mark will enjoy his new toys for a few years to come.  Tonight on his birthday we measured his height and he is 96 cm tall, which is up eight cm from his last year's 88 cm.  At two he was 76 cm so he did not grow quite as much from three to four as he did from two to three.  The little scamp tried to stand on his quickly they learn!  Mark was just as excited to get measured as he was to get a second little cake for his "real birthday" today.  The height measuring is starting to take on the value of a family tradition.  It will be fun to watch the marks on the kitchen door frame as he grows.  This is one door post that will not be painted for a long time to come!  Happy birthday son...yes you are a "bigger Little Bear".


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