Oh come on...enough of winter already!

Last weekend Momma took Mark to the bush and it was cold enough for the hat, scarf and coat.  As you can see the now famous potty had to come along.  Actually this one is a spare and makes a good safe non tip seat in the wagon so it had a dual purpose.  We are having a really slow start to this season.  Yesterday was a great day to spend some time raking the dead grass and leaves, that were missed last fall, off the lawn.  Momma was so busy that she forgot to snap a few photos.  Today it rained most of the day so I did not get the chance to make up for my omission.  This week will be busy as Mark will go to the Recreation Centre tomorrow to meet his soccer coach on Monday night.  Lets hope that he catches on to the game.  Momma is worried that he will run to the sidelines demanding to be picked up.  So far Mark has shown no interest in playing any kind of sport.  He talks about his skating and slides on his socks saying he is skating but so far no interest in kicking that ball.  Hopefully he will have a chance to play with Daddy in the yard.  Seems with Mark...if Daddy does it...Mark will do it.  There go the strong interest in music and the ability to tolerate his glasses.  "Just like Daddy".  Yes son you are "Just like Daddy!"


Heather Attwood said...

Start working on that skating. Elspeth will be needing a partner in a few years. :)

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