Another first....Skating!

Well here we are last Sunday for our first family skate.  Daddy and Mommy decided last year that we had to strap on the skates because there are some things that every Canadian must know how to do and as parents we have to set the example.  One of these things happens to be skating.  Daddy is much better at this as he played hockey and even signed up for an old timers league a few years back.  Momma on the other hand had not been on skates since the admission fee on Saturday afternoon at the Elgin arena in St. Thomas was ten cents.  Lets say that was more than forty-five years ago!  As I recall that was also one of the first times a boy ever held my hand!  But I digress, that is another story.  Mark is not a risk taker by nature and insisted that he could not do it.  "No Mommy, No Mommy, I can't do it!".  He did eventually agree to try it.  He was very apprehensive but did persist.  What a trooper he was on the ice most of the two hours with only short periods of rest.  While we sat on the sidelines waiting for Daddy to bring some french fries (good incentive to come again), he ventured towards the little door and almost stepped out on to the ice by himself!  I had to head out with him for another round while Daddy waited for us.  He has a bit of a wobble to him but the trooper did try and when we left he agreed that he had fun.  We will be out there again next Sunday for another go at it before the arena is closed for the summer.  Next stop soccer and swimming!  Hummmm pairs anyone?


Heather Attwood said...

That's the plan for Elspeth. They would be adorable but the drive to TO might be a bit much. I could always check with her coach!! :)

Anonymous said...

Well mark you are ahead of Elyssa and Alex. Come to think of it dad has never taken me skating either so you are ahead of me too!! Good job markey mark!!

Love ya


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