Happy year of the snake...Yikes! Lets get out of here! (Wiggles)

Anyone who knows me is aware that I am not a lover of snakes.  I appreciate their place in the ecological system but despite my years of environmental studies I still have a huge discomfort with them.  I wish them no ill, but I also wish them happy trails into someone else's yard!  I have tried not to transfer this phobia to Mark by talking about the little green snake on Little Bear named "No feet" and showing him the reptile display at the fair.  Despite my efforts Mark has his own inner fear, dislike and distrust of the creatures. So here is our efforts to celebrate the year of the snake with some wooden snakes that Momma found at the Goodwill store.  Mark has the cobra and Momma has some other type of regular snake with red paint.  We are kissing our snakes and making sounds that Mark thinks snakes make.  Yep that is enough of that.  Hopefully next year we will have something else that we will enjoy playing with more.  They have been dispatched to the toy box where I am sure on a day that I am not really paying attention they will scare the bejesus out of me!  "By by snake"  "See you later snake" aka Mark


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