Ok here is the big event of the fall....Momma got Wiggles concert tickets...their final tour!  Mark is an avid Wiggles fan and idolizes Captain Feathersword.  He will pull his arm over his chest and say "Ahoy there Feather"....He watches them for hours, but his favorite is Captain Feathersword.  Daddy alas, was in the middle of his moose hunting trip but would not miss it for the world so he had to drive home from Gravenhurst to attend the concert, sleep for a few hours and drive back again at 3 a.m.   We were warned by others to expect a screaming melt down as for his age he may have been overwhelmed.  Momma made him the "best pirate hat he ever saw" (as said by Captain Feathersword)..I am so flattered!  We were fortunate to have him come down the aisle where we were and stop and speak to us!!!!  Mark was owl eyed the whole time.  We were walking downtown London with our proud little guy wearing his hat, eye patch and carrying his feather sword.  I was a pretty proud Momma with all the "awww isn't that the sweetest thing you have ever seen" glances from the people passing us on the street.  We had to walk about four blocks from the parking and it was a perfect evening.  Mark liked the lit up buildings and I realized that he had not seen anything like this since we had left China.  Daddy commented " doesn't get any better than this".  I have to agree...seeing Mark's eyes light up in awe when the big red car rolled on to the stage made all the cost and preparation worth it.  My darling have made my life complete!  Do you know how much you are loved!!!


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