More 3rd birthday photos


We celebrated Mark's birthday on the weekend following his actual day of the 29th.  Lots of fun that day celebrating with brother Tyler and his mom and Nancy.  Unfortunately Greg, Kim, Elyssa and Alex had trouble with the van and could not make it!  We did enjoy them singing "Happy Bithday" all together on the phone though.  Such dissapointment since they were all in the van ready to come and it wouldn't start.  We will have to have a mini celebration with cake when they come.  Mark got lots of presents:  Kung Fu Panda and Chipmunks movies from Tyler and his Mom and Nancy, a remote cement mixer and whack a mole game from the Parks family next door, a sticker book and a beautiful Painted Lady butterfly video from Aunt Edwina and Uncle Paul with their butterfly bush in full bloom, a tractor puzzle and book from his Shangrao sister Elspeth and the Attwood family, lots of cards and from Mommy and Daddy a John Deere Gator that he loves to take Pinkie for rides in.  Mark actually was giggling so hard that he had tears rolling down his cheeks....he could not believe that he could have Pinkie in his Gator and was so happy it was infectious.  Daddy and Mommy agreed it does not get much better than this!  Such a great day and ended with Daddy singing Toura loura loura to help him get to sleep.  Mark does now seem to understand that "Appy Bday" means cake, company and presents!  We all love you son!  You are so precious to each and all of us.


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