911 Parents Nightmare!

March 1, 2012 Mark had another febrile seizure. We had a great day and at 4 pm Mark fell asleep in my arms while waiting for Daddy to come home from work. At 5:30 he woke up and was a bit red on one cheek. Looked to me like he had a red spot where his cheek was on my arm. He did look a bit vague and felt warm so I took his temperature and it was 100.4 degrees. Not a big deal but with his history I thought best get the Advil out. Before I could give him a dose he crashed. This time the seizure lasted for nearly ten minutes. I called 911 as Doug was in the bush collecting maple sap and I needed to get help right away! Do you know how agonizingly long it takes for an ambulance to come. When asked if he was breathing....do you know how hard it is to tell, when his abdomen is contracting with spasms of seizure activity. Do have any idea how valuable a stethoscope within reach is to check for a heartbeat. Do you know how frustrated you are as a nurse who is still, despite the best training and knowledge, unable to do anything to help your child! Do you know how helpless and terrified you feel when your child is lying on the kitchen table on his side, face blue, fists clenched, unresponsive and pale as death. This is a parents worst nightmare scene and it was our reality on March 1st. Thank God for close neighbours who can run across the hay field to the bush to get Doug, stand at your side while loading the precious one on the stretcher and later bring what you need to the hospital. The important things you do not even think of at the time. You do remember your purse with the OHIP card, the immunization record etc but what about Gi Gi!!! The one most important and valuable thing that Mark would want and how could I have forgeten her. Thanks to the neighbours we had her within the hour, clutched in Marks arms as well as his PJ's, coat, boots, diaper bag, snacks, tea and a ride home if needed! Although at the time we had no idea what was going on, we have all since come down with the worst flu ever. All week we have slept, slept and slept some more. We have been out of it for the past week with fever, aches, pains, congestion and now bronchitis. Mark is only today starting to look more himself complete with snotty nose. What a quiet tomb of a house without his laughter or very loud declarations of "HI MOMMY". How did I ever stand the silence before he came into our world. Dear sweet Mark do you have any idea how much we need you now. No more 911 calls please!!!


Nellie said...

I was feeling your anxiety as I was reading your post. I also do not want to hear him or you and Doug to go through that again but you never know with his seizures. I am happy that you were able to get help in time. Give Mark lots of hugs and kisses. I also want to sent all my love to you and Doug and of course Mark. Thank you for letting me know.

Tara said...

I am so so so sorry I did not know Mark had been in the hospital again and you were all sick. We were all sick last week too and now i am home with pneumonia. I am so glad Mark is doing better. Sounds just awful. You really do have the kindest neighbors. Well big hugs to everyone and kisses. I really these febrile seizures become a memory and not a reality again. Love Tara xoxoxox

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