Mark Has Croup!

Well dear son you have given your Mom quite the scare! Yesterday was an off day for you. You woke up swallowing a lot and felt hot. Sure enough your temp was up and I gave you several doses of Tylenol. Not a bad day followed but you still felt hot to me and continued with a fever. Most of the day was spent napping and to bed at 10 pm. At 1:30 this morning you woke actually less fevered and more happy. I thought you just didn't want to sleep anymore so we went down to sit in the lazy boy chair hoping that you would fall back asleep. Imagine my horror when you went into a full blown febrile seizure. Time to panic!!!!! Rush up the stairs to Dad. Throw on some clothes. Grab the diaper bag. Change diaper. Grab the medical information from China. Grab the phone. Grab some cash for parking. Grab the keys to the car and oh yea.....grab poor Mark. Off to the pediatric emergency in London. Well who would have guessed croup! You could have given me a cough or two to cue me in. What a sweet child. All the nurses loved you. You saw a young man named Dr Song! What a coincidence. More Tylenol, Advil and a bit of steroid to decrease the swelling in your throat and a script for Amoxicillin for an ear infection. All ended well with kisses blown to the nurses and a wave good-by. My son even when you are not well you are so sweet! Hopefully you will feel better soon. Today you are watching Little Bear and playing with your toys. Your Mom is watching you! Love you son!


Anonymous said...

What a scare! Adrian had a bad case of croup at the same age and was in the ER as well for a full day. He didn't have a seizure, just a lot of difficulty breathing. A very frightening moment for any parent, but also a passage into parenthood. Welcome to the next 20 years or more of your life when you fear losing the most precious thing that has been given to you. Oh, as a side note, once a child has croup, they have an increased chance of getting it again.

Sending our love from NS,
Deb and the family

Nellie said...

I feel for you when your child has any kind of illness. You feel so helpless. I can imagine what it is like as a parent since we do so much to keep them healthy. I hope for you all that Mark will not have any more but I am sure that you feel just a little uneasy. My love is sent to you while Mark and you and Doug go through one of a parents life moments. Will be seeing you soon.

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