We are home

We arrived home Aug 19th at midnight. Poor Jay fell asleep on the couch waiting up. Mark was fussy in the airport and had a long flight with fitful sleep on the plane. A few more naps in the car on the way home has now totally disrupted his sleep. We were met at the airport by Kim, Greg, Elyssa, Alex and Tyler. What a reception!!! posters, roses and lots of hugs, tears and laughter. Mark had a 2 am bath and settled to sleep at 2:30. He slept in till 12:45 as did his mom! I have been up and down in the night checking on the little guy and nursing a sore throat and headcold. I had a bit of a scratchy throat in China for the last three days and prayed that it would hold off until I got home...prayers are answered so now I have a cold complete with drippy nose, sore throat and packed sinuses. Hopefully it will only last a week or so. Doug has a cough, more like a dry hack that he blames on the air pollution in China. Mark has a continuous runny nose. What a fine family photo we would make right now. The good news is that Mark right away went to the cats making meowing sounds and petting them gently. He is letting the dogs lick his hands and is trying to feed them what he does not want! Sorry son the dogs do not like broccoli either so eat up! We will soon be up for entertaining everyone. Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

Welcome home guys! Rest now... it will be a while before you adjust from all the adrenalin rushes and jet lag. Expect to have a bit of a crash as you get back to normal living with your wonderful little boy. I've never been in your particular situation, but have experienced similar emotional highs and travel fatigue. We're looking forward to visiting in the autumn sometime. Much love to your family from John and Nellie

Tyler said...

can't wait to come to the farm and have a visit!

Anonymous said...

Welcome home!!! Surprise!!! We got you again. We missed you soooo much and we are all in love with Mark!!!! See you next week when we come to visit with Mark. Oh yeah and you guys too!!!

Love Kim

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