I had an expired car seat and I thought this would fit perfectly on the four wheeler so I made a ratchet strap and a few adjustments and Mark and I are off four wheelin and he is buckled in safe as a cat in a mouse den. DADS WIN AGAIN


Heather Attwood said...

Way to go! Bet that he loved it.

Doug and Audrey said...

Mark Turned the big 2!!!
Mark turned two on Aug 29th. What a busy day! Lots of food to prepare. His sister and family and the family next door with Aunt Helen and Uncle Darren to visit. Lots of fun, cake and excitement! A very happy day and a very tired little boy! How much blue icing can you stuff in one little nose. Also a handy icing comes out green! Thanks for the tip otherwise I would have really been worried! Mark likes potato chips! It really is all down hill from here with the diet. Mac D french fries and now this! These are treats only my son! You will not see them again for a while. You are so precious to us son! What a wonderful journey so far!
Love Mom

Aunt Edwina said...

Next, you'll be sleeping out at the cabin. Can't wait to see you guys!

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