It's a Wiggley Party!

I had to take the time to interrupt our vacation report to let everyone know that Mark has lost his first Wiggley tooth!  Mark was over the moon as Momma did the honour at school before the day started.  The second tooth was coming in behind the baby tooth and had to go.  It was very loose so Momma gave it a firm grasp and a couple of upward pinch pulls and there it was...out.  Mark had to put it in the tooth cup that Momma had bought years ago in anticipation of this event.  Such a solemn occasion of taking it out of the china cabinet and setting it out for the tooth fairy.  Mark was thrilled and Momma...well she cried all the way home from the school.  Poor Momma, my baby is growing up and nothing can stop the progression of time.  Soon there will be all new teeth and a young man standing there and I will wonder where did all the time go so quickly.

 As you can see there was no room for the baby tooth anymore.  I had to remove it as the other tooth was coming in sideways, trying to squeeze in.
 The good thing is that Mark did not look "toothless" at all. He actually had the other tooth right there in behind the baby one and it is thankfully straightening up on its own, filling in the space nicely.
 This little china tooth container was another thrift store find that Momma bought years ago, just knowing that the time would come when it was needed.  The tooth fairy left a note thanking Mark for his tooth but also left the tooth for him knowing that it was a special first tooth that he wanted to keep.
Such a tiny little stubborn tooth.  It did not want to let go but Momma is an expert tooth puller from way back and would not be defeated!  Success at last.


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