Fifa you have no idea what lies ahead!

Yesterday was an exceptional one for this soccer wana be Momma.  As you know we have struggled with Mark and his sense of sportsmanship.  Truth is he is butt arse lazy when it comes to sports.  Any sport that requires any type of effort on his part.  To be fair to him his skin condition does not allow for him to sweat, thus making it hard for him to run about, especially in hot weather.  So it has been a constant trial to get him to feel included in any kind of team effort.  This year I advocated for him to stay on the U5 team.  This is the team for kids who are five in this year.  Mark of course will be six at the end of August so technically he was supposed to move up to the U6 team.  I argued on his behalf that he is five until the end of the soccer season, the smallest kid in his class, which includes the girls and that he really is not a contender in the game.  I was also selfishly wanting to hold him back so that this Momma only had one set of dates for practice and games since his sister was going to join him this year on the U5 team.  Seems that U5 is for anyone five and under, but above the age of three when the soccer season starts. We were not starting out too well as Marissa refused to sit for her soccer photo and we actually had to recruit her brother to do a shot with her so that she would participate.  There were lots of "oohs and ahhs" from the parents who watched the mutual love fest and hugging that resulted in a wonderful photo but for this Momma it was an almighty trial of frustration knowing full well that this girl is about as shy as a performance monkey!  For whatever reason she would not cooperate and stood face down with her hands in her mouth acting like this was the worst form of torture imaginable.  So this year we will have a great photo of Mark and another of Mark and Marissa but none of her alone.  Her loss.  Yesterday was the tournament for the local teams.  Lots of parents and children in all of the fields and kids and balls flying everywhere.  The rain held off but it was a bit cool with a breeze.  Our kids actually participated and played fairly well.  What was the most amazing thing was that Mark was put in the net for the first time and he clicked!  He was not letting any balls get past him and it was a joy to watch.  He has found his talent and the coach and team were impressed.  Marissa also got her turn in net and only let one ball get past her.  She was fearless running towards the opposing forward and snatched the ball right out from in front of their big kick.  She suffered one slight injury and had to run to Momma when she went to give a big kick to the ball and inadvertently stepped on the ball and did a very big split instead.  Everyone watching let out a moan and we could see that she had hurt herself.  A few minuets on Momma's lap and off she went to join the game again.  In all it was a wonderful day and this Momma could not be any prouder.  My kids were awesome at soccer and I never thought that I would have the chance to ever say that.  Who knew.  Mark is a great goalie and Marissa did her share of running after the ball for the big kicks.  Both of them were fearless and they actually were excited and had a great time.  Enjoy our day:

 Daddy took the first shot then Mark took the photo of us with Marissa and then she took one of us with Mark!  Pretty good photographers as well as players!
 There go my number's 39 and 45!  Run, run, run...whew this is even hard to watch.  Makes me tired just looking at them.
The referee had to point Marissa in the right direction once in a while.  Good that no-one cares so long as they keep trying hard. Mark and Marissa were spending a bit of time encouraging each other on and getting advice from the coach.
 At last, something Mark really likes to do!  He took being goalie very seriously and did not let any balls get past him.
 Keeper of the net.
 Thinking over the strategy for the next break away.
 Marissa was all ready to go when it was her turn in net.
 Oh, oh!  Everyone has to accept that once in a while one gets past you!
 She is no quitter.   I'm ready for you now!  Come on, bring it on!
 I caught this one.  Ha, ha, ha.  Now who am I supposed to throw this ball to?  My team or theirs?
 Look Mom we got medals!  Real nice nice that they had to wear them to church on Sunday!
 Yep, these two beauties are my kiddos and I could not be any prouder!  For every second of grief that they give me, I still glow with pride when I see them standing there looking at me!  Me...their Momma!  Life is so very good here on the soccer field!


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