Let me call you sweetheart...happy late Valentines Day

A couple of Sunday's ago we had a snowstorm bad enough to have to cancel church service.  This was a shame because the men's choir had practiced for many evenings getting a few songs ready to entertain the faithful wives of the church congregation for Valentines Day.  Now this is no easy feat as the men are a bit reluctant to participate in the singing...the term herding cats comes to mind.  So today was the rescheduled Sunday for the "Valentines Day" service.  Last week was too busy as we celebrated communion.  It was wonderful to see all the men in their matching black shirts and red heart ties get up in front of the church to declare their undying love for their mates.  There were husbands and bachelors all singing their best for the ladies.  I could not resist taking the opportunity to post the lovely flowers that I had gotten for Valentines and the handsome family that presented them to me.  Thank you all...let me call you sweethearts, I'm in love with you!

 This is all that is left from my beautiful flower arrangement from Valentines Day.  They really do last a long time.
 Clearly Daddy is Marissa's Valentine.
The look on her face tells me she is thinking "Back away from my Daddy".  She was actually in a really kissy mood today and convinced her brother to actually let her kiss him on the lips. Wow there must still be love in the air for that to happen.  Mark insisted on wearing his suit...just like Daddy.  You are such a handsome man Mark.


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