First night in a bed...look who is the big girl now!

Momma has been putting this off for a long time but made a decision that March break would be the time for Marissa to exit her crib.  She is starting daycare on Monday and so it seemed a good time to get her out of her current nest.  Marissa has made no indication that she wanted out and quite frankly seems content in the little cage.  Momma on the other hand could see that she is really getting too big.  Did I mention that she arrived a size two one year ago and blew through size three in months and is now wearing a size four!  I blame it on her diet.  She is willing to eat anything and everything. I am afraid to measure (a birthday event), but I am sure that she and Mark are head to head in the growing department. I know that Mark will not like it much but I am sure that his sister will be taller than him.  Growing like a weed and three going on thirteen!  So here is the transition toddler bed that she slept in last night.  Well at least most of the night.  There was the short period of time that she was on the floor prior to Momma finding her there on my way to bed.  Then there was the time that she was up going to the bathroom and met Daddy in the hall.  When she was standing on her bed at 3:30 a.m. wanting to come into Momma's bed to "cuddle", I was able to convince her that "cuddle time" was for mornings only and that it was still night time.  Agh here we go again.  I hope that this independent Madam will settle quickly as I really do not want a repeat like the last two years with Mark in our bed.  I am pretty sure that she will settle into her new digs.  The time flies by way too quickly.  Where is the little bottle sucking baby that I held in my arms a year ago.  I have a feeling that every thing about Marissa will be at warp speed!

Do you hear the big sigh that Momma let out.  Bye bye crib.  Will I ever see you again?  I think that I will keep it just in case Family and Children's services needs me to provide some respite care for a child in transition.  I am sure that this Momma's nest is full.  But I have learned to never say never!


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