I'm never going to be able to think like her.

So the story goes like this...Marissa where did you put Mark's loonie...I know that you had it because I saw you playing with it.  You took it out of his little blue box and I want you to put it back.  This is followed by the blank stare...what are you talking about Momma?  Followed by me insisting that I know that you had it so where did you put it.  Followed by a further blank stare and denial of ever having seen or taken or played with Mark's money.  Mark of course has no concept of money because I do not want him to worry about such things...to him it is simply a gift of "gold" that he got from Daddy and he thinks of it as treasure.  Thus he keeps it in his little "treasure box".  Momma of course has been searching for the loonie and wanting to put it back before Mark gets home from school because I know that my obsessive son will be looking for it as soon as he gets home and I am anxious to avoid the pre-dinner fireworks that will ensue.  Suddenly it is a though the Queen has an enlightened moment and she runs over to the magnet clock and says "Here it is Momma"..."see I told ya"...as though she had known all along where she had put it.  Funny in a million years I would never have thought to look behind the clock magnet to find it.  Geesh I will never be able to think like this girl.  Now if I can only get her to remember where the oriental cabinet pagoda knob is...that would make me a very happy woman!  Marissa girl you are amazing...you see everything in such detail and see opportunities that will be overlooked by most everyone.  Such talent and a true gift...now it is up to me to learn how to think like her, although she will always be better at it than me.

The wooden magnet clock used to help them learn to tell time, evidently has other uses.
 Pick a number, any number, lets say pick two perhaps.
The magnet that holds the two to the clock has a dual purpose of holding the two on to the clock but also holding the loonie to the wooden two.
 Remember we are looking for Mark's loonie.
 Well what have we here.  Seems this is Marissa's idea of a good hiding place for the money.
Now why would I not think of that...pretty obvious, right...NOT!  Girl you amaze me always! How did you remember it was behind the two!


Anonymous said...

Haha, what a little smarty pants! That is so funny that not only did she remember it was on the clock, but she remembered the number! Somebody definitely still knows where she put the pagoda knob...but she's not telling! Hope everyone is feeling well again...once the weather clears up we'd love to have you all down! Until then, stay warm!

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