Marissa Mysteries...Part II aka Mind Games for the Obsessive Momma!

Here you can see the lovely antique black lacquered Japanese cabinet that Momma found for a steal deal one day while out thrift shopping.  This little cabinet is in my two piece bathroom just off the sunroom and Momma quite likes it, as not only is it lovely and a tad valuable, but also quite handy to store the extra toilet paper and sundries needed in a second bathroom that only has a pedestal sink.  Now as nature would have it, I was suffering one of the worst cases of upset tummy and back door trots that I have had in a long time and spent two Saturday evenings ago sitting there staring at this lovely cabinet!  So I know that there were two little hanging brass pagoda door knobs on said cabinet!  The following Monday there was only one.  I can see where the pagoda has been twisted off and could quite easily put it back on, however the Queen will not tell me what she did with it.  I know that she is the pagoda thief as she has been demanding that we "give me some privacy" when she goes to use the facilities and often I will discover her off the throne and looking about for things to do while hanging out in the loo.  So a very astute Momma calmly and cautiously asked "Marissa where did you put Momma's little brass thing?", smiling, while pointing at the other one.  I have told her that "there were two and now there is only one...where did you put the other one?"  Now obsessive Momma would like to have it back to repair the cabinet and an equally stubborn Marissa will not fess up to what she did with it! I suspect it may have gotten the big flush but I am holding out hope against hope that it will suddenly appear.  The Queen remains stubbornly silent.  It is as though she knows that she holds all the cards here.  It is driving me crazy trying to find it in a room that is no bigger than a large closet.  Daddy is telling me to "Shut up about the darn pagoda thing".  Seems Miss Marissa is also fed up because she says "I don't have to tell you" and scampers away.  So this obsessive Momma will keep hoping and asking.  If I live to be a hundred, I will always be wondering...."What ever happened to that brass pagoda thing!"  Any suggestions on how to put me out of my misery would be appreciated! Does anyone know someone who makes antique brass pagoda cabinet handles?  Sigh.


Anonymous said...

What a little stinker...pun intended! Speaking from experience...I think it may be time to check out the septic system, because she sure LOVES to flush the toilet! :) Keep us posted, Audrey!

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