The path of sweet less diaper!

As previously posted, we are in the middle of toilet training Marissa.  This has had some tensions met with varying degrees of cooperation and some outright resistance and rebellion on her part.  We are however on the path to sweet success!  Last week I reported that day one she was able to go commando for the day and was able to use the potty successfully for all pee episodes.  Day two she got to wear her pink ballerina dress so there were no accidents!  This was in follow-up to her wearing her pink ballerina body suit to keep her diaper from being removed at night as Momma was getting tired of the laundry being produced.  Marissa loves her ballerina clothing and will not soil them willfully.  The majority of time now she will tell me she has to go and in fact is ripping the tabs off her diaper in her stubborn independence to get the job done "all by my own self". We had been watching her like hawks for two days in anticipation of the elusive poop.  Much to Momma's delight on day two when Momma had to take Mark to the tudor, Marissa deposited her offering on the dining room carpet!  Ha, ha, ha Poppa you thought this job was easy...the second your eyes were off her you were rewarded handsomely!  Thank-goodness it was all gone and rug cleaned up before Momma got home.  Now I am happy to report that while camping on the weekend Momma did "catch" the little minx hiding behind the wall to our sleeping quarters in the trailer engaged in the act of pooping and was able to get her to the toilet quickly.  Unfortunately it was too late but the message was not lost on Marissa ie "I am watching you and you will not get away with this!!!  I believe that there is nothing more unsettling for a child than to be hoisted into the air and rushed to the proper facility while in the midst of the act.  It leaves a very strong impression on the poor kid. So the next day Marissa very clearly said "Mommy, I have to poop!  I quickly got her diaper off and after being ordered to "Go away.  Shut the door.  I do it my own self", I was excitedly called back to the sweet words of "Mommy, I pooped in the toilet!"  Music to my ears!  The trick with Marissa is to set the expectation and then let her do it her "own self".  So far it is working very well.  Change has been met with resistance, however followed by quick buy in once she realizes that we are not going back and that we are serious in our toilet training efforts.  Is the Queen happy?  I am not sure.  She takes great delight in calling us to "view" her success and ceremoniously taking responsibility for the "flush" crying out "Bye poop, see you later poop" as the toilet takes care of the end result of her efforts.  We are turning the corner to potty training success.  Is Momma happy?  Yes and no.  For each step forward a milestone towards independence is met, yet it also means that the "baby years" are quickly slipping away.  Time goes by so quickly, especially when you start out with two year olds.  Both Mark and Marissa seemed to have been babies with me for only a blink of an eye.  Those first two years of total dependence, the years that they spent with others who provided their every care need, will never be mine to remember.  So toilet training success comes with a degree of angst.  Kids growing up is hard on Mommas!


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