Our Cover Girl! Marissa in her red "Jessie" hat.

Here is our future Cover Girl!  I could not resist taking these photos of our Queen when she strutted into the kitchen wearing her Jessie cowgirl hat from Toy Story.  She is quite the beauty but can ham it up when she feels so inclined.  On close observation of the last photo, I wondered if her left eye is turning in.  Poor Mark is still wearing his right eye patch for three hours a day for his weaker left eye.  If she has the same problem I will fall off this chair...way, way too many things in common.  I will be watching to see if it was just the angle of the photo or if there is a real concern.  The sooner corrected the better the outcome.  Minor issue of course but this Momma is on her toes looking for anything that will need to be treated...sorry but it is the nurse in me coming out. 


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