The ants go marching four by four....Mark is four years old!....Hurrah! Hurrah!

Well technically this post will be made before midnight so for the record his birthday is August 29, 2009.  Since we had to make a trip to Barrie on the weekend, we took advantage of the family being together to celebrate this special event at the same time.  Mark has his birthday on the 29th of August and his brother Tyler has his on the first of September.  What better way to celebrate these two special days than to have a hot tub pool party, with freezies in the hot tub, swing rides, pizza, lots of candy, presents, loot bags and of course the Elmo birthday cake!  Add Mark's favorite niece Elyssa and his nephew Alex (ha, ha, ha!), and we have a party fit for a little Emperor!  Mark was on his best behavior and was quite the charmer and entertainer.  Thus the reason why I was not prepared for the post of yesterday!  School is days away and I cannot believe that the two years have flown by so fast!  Who knows what he will think of the new routine.  I think he is ready and I know that he is as smart as a whip so here is hoping that he will find it fun and exciting.  I know that with him going to before and after care at the school he will have to give up his beloved babysitter Lisa aka "Sheshaw".  It will be a sad day when that day is done.  Thank goodness he will still see her and the kids at church.  It will seem a bit less traumatic for both him and his Momma.  I am holding my breath that Mark will not fall out of his desk asleep during the first few days of school.  He still likes to play in bed way into the wee hours of the night and thus hates to get up and needs a nap in the afternoon.  Hopefully he will switch over quickly or he will be missing his supper over the next few weeks and Momma will be missing him in the evening.  It is too bad that the world is going to get their hands on him...he is such a sweet little boy and I am afraid that he will start to change with all the new experiences.  I keep praying that he will land softly during this transition.  Happy four years son, may you live four score and twenty more in wisdom and happiness!  Love from your Momma and Daddy xoxo


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