Bowling fun.....what to do with a set of bowls

Some days you are just too funny son.  You discovered a set of bowls that Momma had not yet put away and what fun you had.  First you used the bowl as a hat and than you tried them on as a pair of boots.  Next you one as a seat to watch the TV and then a launch pad for some pretty impressive free falls.  What an imagination you have.  You are starting to use a lot more words and just last night you told me that supper was "delicious".  I looked at your Dad and he said "not me"...I said "not me"...than I said "who taught you that word"...amazing.  You are really starting to talk a lot now.  It is wonderful to see.  This week I will have to register you for school....You are growing up way to fast my sweet baby!  Love your Momma.


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