T'was the night before Christmas and all's ill in the house!

Well folks this has been one tough week!  Mark fell ill on Tuesday and we had to fight a fever for the whole week.  I had to take the time off work and spent the nights with Mark feeling his forehead and thighs and sticking the thermometer in his ears!  Not wanting any more of the febrile seizures...I had to be diligent with the Advil and Tylenol.  It just did not seem to want to let up at all.  Saturday I thought we were out of the woods as Mark did not have a fever all day but then spiked up again at midnight.  He also had a cough start up on Saturday that seemed to be quite severe and unrelenting.  Superimposed on this Daddy fell ill and went to work everyday with a severe cough and then vomiting.  Momma has held her own but at one point was nursing a headache, likely from lack of sleep or a lesser version of what Daddy had.  Yesterday Mark slept on and off from 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. today!  Sunday I had had enough and took Mark to the Emergency in Newbury.  Nice folks there and much like a walk in clinic....ah the small town life!  Mark is now on antibiotics...the cough is lessening...Momma is less tired and Daddy....well Daddy he dona look too good!  Stubborn man will not give in and now is totally under the weather.  As I sit here they are in bed and I am enjoying (not so much) Christmas Eve alone!  I thought I would post a few of the Christmas Eve decorations and treats that were lost on anyone this year.  I especially wanted to share the gold fish bowl Snowman table piece and the artificial frost on the door.  The frost had Doug thinking the seal had let go on the door window....silly man! It is amazing how you can get frost out of a can. I had to laugh at the second from last photo...evidently someone invited an alligator to dinner! Despite the "under the weather Christmas"....we are still blessed.  Life is good.  Our family is safe and we will have a great Christmas this year!  May the peace of our Savior visit your household this Christmas and good will to all men...for unto you a Savior is born...and he shall be called Jesus!  Merry Christmas Everyone.


Heather Attwood said...

Merry Christmas. Hope everyone is feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

You guys sound like you had the same kind of Christmas we did! My mom came down with a stomach bug from Dec 21-23, then Adrian came down with a fever of almost 103F around supper time on Christmas Eve which progressed to flu-like symptoms by the next morning. Instead of an excited boy running down to check out the stockings and presents, I was washing the puke out of his bedding at 5:30am. Then, on Christmas day, my Dad came down with an upset stomach. Now it is several days later and Adrian is finally getting back to normal, though Jasper is starting to feel a bit off now and I have a very bad headache. Thank goodness for Advil and Tylenol to keep the fever down though! With it we were able to still enjoy Christmas, even if it was a bit subdued. I just keep telling myself next Christmas will be better (yours too hopefully!)

Merry Christmas!

Deb (and the rest of the crew)

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