My Momma's shoes

Mark likes to wear his Momma's shoes. Well son let me tell you about those shoes...we have walked many miles and seen many things in the past 56 years! Sometimes they have meandered and other times they have been in an almighty rush but they have always brought me home...I hope for you son, that your shoes will do the same.


Aunt Edwina said...

Hi Mark,
Your cousin Matt liked to wear my shoes, too. His brother preferred his dad's big boots. Either way, you enjoy that play time. Your own boots will be big far too soon and your days filled with work.

Anonymous said...

sabrina just showed me Mark's diary. what a precious idea. i love all the photos - i haven't got a fav as they are all too beautiful. so Mark - hope that someone has finally caught that runny nose of yours and that you are feeling much better now. no spring thaws for you! tell daddy we are really looking forward to his singing and Christian message on Sunay!!!

love and hugs

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