Sad week at the Schell farm da Duke is gone!

This has been a very sad week for the Schell household. Suddenly on Thursday evening our ol' dog Duke died. We are happy that he did not suffer as he was getting fragile with arthritis in his hips and sometimes needed a boost to get up. I expect that he died of a heart attack as he was fine all day, a bit off after supper and gone by 10:30 p.m. I had thought that a trip to the vet was in order but alas there was not even enough time to do it. He did have an ECG a year ago that said he had some V tach so it was always a possibility that he would go suddenly. Even in his old age he was so good to Mark and it is a shame that Mark will not get to know this fine old friend of ours. Rest in peace ol' Duke you will be missed. A large part of my heart is broken but you will always be remembered as a good friend, excellent guard dog and a loyal companion. How many steps have we walked together old boy? It will be hard to take the first walk without you dear friend!


Heather said...

Thinking of you.

Aunt Edwina said...

So sad. He was such a nice dog. I have a picture of him licking Pinkie's ears through her kennel.

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