Wonderful day!

Well what a wonderful, sunny, baptism day for Mark. The whole church was smitten by the animated little guy who nearly jumped into the baptismal font on his own. Mark was very serious during the procedure and then started splashing in the bowl during the prayer. what a happy moment for us as parents and for the whole congregation. Welcome to the family of believers son! It has been a very emotional time. Wish my mother had been there, but I know she is looking from above. Lots of friends and family in attendance and the whole church was full! Diane our minister noted that we ran out of bulletins and that is a good thing in a church these days. I will post some of the photos here but I need yet to find one where he has his little hat on. Dad took every opportunity to pull it off so if anyone has photos please send them on to us. Somewhere I am hopeful to get one with his hat on......it was way too cute. Sad day today as our Halifax family are on the road. God keep you safe as you drive home to your own homes and families!


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